Saturday, April 26, 2008
Its saturday..And i'm all alone at home..nothing can get worst then being home alone on a saturday.
Yesterday was the start of my common test..
Was paper 1 and 2..
For paper 1 i didnt have enough time..Which kinda sucks.
Then recess for like 1 hours..
Makan and walk around until i saw asyraf.
Walked around somemore and headed to fourth floor toilet.
He had to do business..
After that, Paid a visit to Darren.
Talked about going gym after paper 2.
So after talking,Back to class..
For paper 2. Paper 2 was alright..
Not so hard not so easy..
After paper 2, Waited for the rest..
After awhile..we were all outside library..
Asyraf,Sufiyan and Isyanto headed to prayers.
(Maybe gym after that)
Darren and Bryan went home.
As for me?
i decided to take a stroll around school.
Until i saw Yun Xuan..
Heading to hall to play the piano..
But someone was already playing it..
So just said hi and bla bla bla..
Ask how was the paper?
Couldnt be bothered..
So decided to head to hougang mall to makan and hang out.
Walked to the bus stop to take 62.
After reaching hougang mall,
Yun Xuan ate some chinese food while i looked around..
I went to ate some Long John Silver
Satted down with yunxuan.Some sec 2 girls sit right next to us from our school.
(About 4 of them)
Ignored them at first until Yun Xuan told me.
They were gossiping next to me and here's the worst part.
They were talking about me and TALKING LOUDLY.
Got very irritated and just tahan ah..
After makan...
Walked around hougang mall..
Until finally decided to sit down and talk.
Walked to some playground..
Talk for like few hours.
About lots of shit..
after that, headed home..
After reaching home,
Was extremely tired..
Picked up my phone to see..
(19 Missed Called) and ( 3 New Msg)
19 missed call from the guy's..
3 new msg from azhar..
After calling them back,
Heard Isyanto,Sufiyan,Asyraf,Darren and Bryan went gym
for the message..
I didnt reply..
Sorry ah..
After talking to them, I just knocked out..
Baby, I'm missing you.
3:38 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Woah...its like sports day..And like..i woke up around 5.45??..Drag my lazy ass out of bed,bath and planning to go sports day to only support my friends..had some bad flu and sorethroat..So the whole day didnt really talk much..Met sufiyan outside his bus stop..And walk to Serangoon stadium..was feeling like a clown..Wearing the 80 anniversary shirt and school pants..People staring as if its halloween.. So as we entered the stadium, sit down and rest..About 10 minutes later, Isyanto came..Then bryan...Then darren..Then azhar..So....Satted down feeling like shit..So hot as the sun was facing us..Sweating during sickness..Wth?..After like 3hours of sitting on my ass..I had it..Decided to walk around..While i stand up..Yun Xuan came to me..Telling me he was sitting alone for the past not sure how long..So i accompany him to walk around...So we walked like left to right of the stadium..about 45 minutes later..Minting and Gizella approach us..Gizella asked if we wanna take part in the CCA relay 4X100..Was sick of walking around and sitting down..So like..Whatever..Must be like what..2 girls and 2 guys..So we had like 3 girls and 1 guy...Walk to the starting point...Mr suratman said..Must be 2 guys and 2 like..We ask a guy from soccer to help out..He actually didnt want too..But kinda made a deal with him..So his running for as we satted down..Decided that i ran last..from fourth to the finishing line..Wasnt quite confident on was thinking about just having fun..Looked around and saw like..Fast team like...NCC,NPCC,SOCCER..So our team was pretty much convince there's no chance in winning..Roll up my pants,Did my stretching..Headed to the fourth place marker...1 minute later..BAM!! there goes the gun...Was like waiting for Gizella to pass me the baton..Walk abit infront when she pass me and said hurry tim run!!!...Run my heart out while looking down..When i look up to see if i'm first or what..Saw soccer like 10 steps ahead of me..So (There goes gold...)..Then i was like second...When Faizal from npcc was like chasing me...But too bad ah..Was too fast for him..In the end got second..Got come comments from the school..."This guy run so fast but run like gay"..hahahahah..No comments ah...told the team the news and headed to get water...All was like kinda happy ah..Like Guitar club is performing art then come out..Second in was time for prize giving..Asyraf won like 2 silver and 2 bronze...Congra...While isyanto won 1 bronze..Congra...So they called from 3 to 1.."in third place we have npcc" everyone was like oo npcc.."in second place we have Guitar club" everyone was like WTF????hahahaha..Even some teachers cant believe it..Moving on..."And in first place we have soccer!!!" Everyone wasnt surprise..Took picture and got a prize...After sports day ended, Took a picture with Isyanto,Asyraf and Yun Xuan..
Here it is..

Isyanto sponsor his "BODY",Asyraf sponsor his phone,Tim???Sponsor MY HAND PHONE POUCH and my medal.Yun Xuan sponsor....

Credits: To bryan for taking the picture..

So after that, Went home with darren and sufiyan..Suppose to bath and meet in kovan for some Lunch..So went home and bath..Met darren and headed to kovan..Meet up with Asyraf,Isyanto and Bryan...Were eating kfc..No space to sit..SOOOO..Me and darren decided to head to "QA JI"??? is that right??moving on...Eat finish when sufiyan came..Bryan and Darren went off to school for Studies...Me and the rest went to asyraf house to cruise fun...Asyraf played some fifa with isyanto...Sufiyan sleeping..WTF???..I carry weight...overall had fun ah..After that, Headed back to kovan mac to meet up with the rest..Me,Isyanto,Asyraf,Azhar,Bryan,Darren,Sufiyan...Isyanto treat us to some fries...hahaha...Thanks man...after that, Me,darren and Sufiyan headed home..Azhar went home too..Bryan,isyanto and asyraf went hougang mall dont know do what..Headed home and sleep..
Mid year is here..All the best to everyone..Wondering why i'm still goofing off..time to get serious..
Its time for me to sleep...
Good night..
"And its you i miss"
Baby, I'm missing you.
8:30 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Just got back from dinner..
Was my auntie and uncle 25 anniversary..
Had restaurant for dinner..
Drink abit..
(Pictures will upload later)
There's something i have to get off my chest..
I'm starting to think that i'm not tim..
Like there's something inside of me which is ready to get out..
I'm not sure whether its a good thing or a bad thing..
I guess i've been keeping it for too long..
Maybe its time to set it free..
I guess what i'm trying to say is..
From tomorrow onwards..
There will be a new tim..
And i'm not sure whether this is a better tim or worst..
This is not what i wanna be..
But i'm sure everyone is expecting a different tim
Just wanna say..
Sorry to everyone that i have cause pain and misery to..
Especially you..
Didnt think that things will turn out this way..
I'll miss you..
Baby, I'm missing you.
11:23 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Didnt sleep..bath around 5.30 and head to school...
Upon reaching school..
Freaking sleepy to the point i cant even open my eyes
Met Ncc and wish them luck
Went to assemble somewhere..i forgot..
then headed to hall..
Waited like 2 hours for the damn thing to start
after 2 hours..............
It finally started..
Had lot of stuff going on..
Cant really remember and quite lazy to put them down..
So there goes speech day..
Met the rest, Headed to 7-11
Bought a drink and chill there for awhile..
After that back home..
After reaching..
Quickly change and went to kovan to meet asyraf..
waited there for like 1hours..
After asyraf came..
Went to makan kfc..
And asked azhar if we go come over
Said yes..
So off we went to punggol..
After reaching his house,
Played his electric guitar
While Asyraf look at some MAGAZINE..
While azhar played the piano..
After that,
Play some Guitar Hero 3
Had fun messing with the guitar hero
Until we leave like 11.30???...
Quickly rush to bus stop..
Thought we miss the last bus..
Until 62 came out of the shadow..
Panic for nothing..
Reach home around 12+
Came online and played some game
Until 3 or 5 plus??
Dont remember..
Sleep around there somewhere..
ITS LIKE 7.15 PM..
15 HOURS!!!!
Well..Planning to go for my evening jog
And ask you how are you..
Baby, I'm missing you.
7:04 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
Yesterday didnt sleep..Bath and head to school..Took double deck with darren..
Was feeling extremely high..Till the point i cant even think straight..
Like i would repeat the same question..
"What time is it?"
ok thanks..
"What time is it?"
(Sorry to those who i may ask stupid question or disturb you or whatever)
My sincere apologise..
To people like,Isyanto,Sam...etc
So first things first..
I was selected to represent my class for later speech day..
Which starts in less then 7 hours..
Me and 4 other student..
After that,Back to class for lesson..
Not really lah..
Cant think straight..What lesson?!!?!?
Kind of remembering walking to cpa lab
And then recess..
And then back to lab for EOA..
Then home..
Upon reaching home...Bath..
(As you lie to me telling me your fine,I wonder why your on my mind..)
Baby, I'm missing you.
1:34 AM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy birthday Sufiyan!
Had normal school and NAFA after school..Only guy who show up in my class..that is just disappointing..
So went to did the 4 stations..First was shuttle run with isyanto class..Timing was 10.12
Then it was sit up..Did 46 without skipping number..lots of people skip number..
After that, Was standing board jump..I suck big time at only like 200..
Then sit and reach 41..So left with last station..Thought was incline pull up..But i was wrong..Was just normal chin up pull up..Darren accompany me on this..(Thanks man)..Did 8 on this..
pass the paper back to Mr mustafa..And i'm done..
Was kinda planning to buy a drink and head to CCA..
While walking,Saw huiling..Said hi and how are you blablabla...
Then bought a drink and head to cca..was like kinda boring inside there without guitar..
Half way kinda decided to just heck it and play soccer..
So made my way to soccer court..Saw the guy's waiting for (Next Team)..
Just waited awhile..Then ask to join the guy's team..Played soccer until not sure what time..But remember until quite late..
After that..Went home..
Was pretty tired today and sad about my Nafa..
Woke up around 6.00am..Surprisely my body all aching..From top to bottom..And just have no choice..have to go school and take 2.4..Limping my way to school..
After reaching to school..Pass sufiyan present to bryan to pass to sufiyan..
So it was 2.4 time..Leg all so pain..But just force myself to run..Timing came back pretty bad..
11minutes..That just sucks big time..Was extremely tired and in pain badly..
Cool down and changed..Back to class..
So recess and then lessons..
Then realise from school..
Went outside library..
Put bag and decided to watch some soccer..
So made my way to soccer court..
Some people call me Mas Selamat for limping
Saw quite a number of people waiting for someone to bring a soccer ball to get things started
After like 20 minutes..A guy with a ball as i was too tired to even play..After awhile..Darren,Bryan etc came..Played when it was going to rain..
Ramzan and me was kinda "Tempted" to play..
After 20 minutes..Rain came down like tears..
So decided to go home ah..
(May not come to school tomorrow)
Baby, I'm missing you.
9:58 PM